I was layed off. I packed my desk and left-upset. Not that I loved my job, but I liked the people there, it was close to home and I feared how it would affect our adoption plans.
A friend of mine who was layed off that day said to me as I walked out the door "One door closes, another one opens. You'll see-something will happen with the adoption". I shook my head. Nothing had been happening in weeks and I now worried about being able to afford ads.
I had tickets to see Grease at a local dinner theatre that night. I did not feel like going, but I already paid for the ticket. I showered, but on my game face and went out with the Moms from Jac's school. It was our ladies night!
In the middle of the play, my cell phone starts lighting up. I'm getting a call from a strange area code - 603-could that be New Hampshire?? We did have an ad running there this week. I could not run out of the theatre to get it, so it went to voicemail. I listened to the message at intermission-it was a very nice sounding woman who wanted to talk to me about our ad in the paper.
The rest is history. How my life changed in one year! Just when I was at my lowwest, I got "the call". Your life can change with one call! April 27th will forever be a special day!
These are just tidbits of my life...my thoughts..my fears and everything I am up against. Many women will probably find something here they can relate to.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I feel so blessed....
I feel like the luckiest woman alive. I have two healthy happy children, a husband that loves me and supports me (even when I get these crazy notions) and friends that care about me. I may not be rich in a material sense, but I consider myself very very wealthy for all that I do have.
I feel especially lucky when I think of how just about one year ago, we received a call that would change our lives. We were blessed with a birthmother and situation that was just perfect. A terrific woman wanting to make an adoption plan, driving distance away, a healthy, beautiful baby, only two weeks from first conversation to birth, everything went smoothly legally, we got to stay in a nice New England city with stores and restaurants, the weather was great, our families drove up to see us in the middle of our ICPC wait, it was just perfect. I never dreamed we'd be so lucky. There were days I doubted we would even be chosen.
It scares me to think of the "what ifs". What if she didn't see our ad? What if she didn't have the courage to call us? What if we did not take the chance and commit because we had no medical information on the birthmom? What if the birthmom changed her mind?
Almost a year later and I am still pinching myself that it all happened and happened so smoothly. When I look at my baby, I just want to cry with happiness. She has changed our entire family's outlook. We are complete now, we are happy and not still searching and waiting for a little one to join our family. We feel relief, gratitude, and love.
Our angel was sent to us, just when I was at the end of my rope and tired of dealing with failures, medical issues and fear. She even looks like an angel. I know she was sent to us by God and that we needed her as much as she needed us.
I always say how unlucky I am-never win anything, things don't go my way, etc. It's been over 11 months and I have not complained once about being unlucky. All the material winnings I was thinking of don't matter. I no longer complain-I'm not unlucky....I am BLESSED!
I feel especially lucky when I think of how just about one year ago, we received a call that would change our lives. We were blessed with a birthmother and situation that was just perfect. A terrific woman wanting to make an adoption plan, driving distance away, a healthy, beautiful baby, only two weeks from first conversation to birth, everything went smoothly legally, we got to stay in a nice New England city with stores and restaurants, the weather was great, our families drove up to see us in the middle of our ICPC wait, it was just perfect. I never dreamed we'd be so lucky. There were days I doubted we would even be chosen.
It scares me to think of the "what ifs". What if she didn't see our ad? What if she didn't have the courage to call us? What if we did not take the chance and commit because we had no medical information on the birthmom? What if the birthmom changed her mind?
Almost a year later and I am still pinching myself that it all happened and happened so smoothly. When I look at my baby, I just want to cry with happiness. She has changed our entire family's outlook. We are complete now, we are happy and not still searching and waiting for a little one to join our family. We feel relief, gratitude, and love.
Our angel was sent to us, just when I was at the end of my rope and tired of dealing with failures, medical issues and fear. She even looks like an angel. I know she was sent to us by God and that we needed her as much as she needed us.
I always say how unlucky I am-never win anything, things don't go my way, etc. It's been over 11 months and I have not complained once about being unlucky. All the material winnings I was thinking of don't matter. I no longer complain-I'm not unlucky....I am BLESSED!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My princess turned 11 months old today!
Time is just flying by-my baby turned 11 months today! Where has the time gone? My life has really changed in the past year. It's scary how fast time is going by and how quickly the kids are growing!!!
We're planning a one year old birthday party and can't wait to celebrate it! I still pinch myself that it's real and that she is ours. She's a fireball! Full of energy, giggles and smiles! Always on the go, no moss will ever grow under her feet. I can already see she will be the daredevil of the family!!
Here are a few pictures I took today!!! Move over Rachael Ray-here is the Food Networks newest sensation!

We're planning a one year old birthday party and can't wait to celebrate it! I still pinch myself that it's real and that she is ours. She's a fireball! Full of energy, giggles and smiles! Always on the go, no moss will ever grow under her feet. I can already see she will be the daredevil of the family!!
Here are a few pictures I took today!!! Move over Rachael Ray-here is the Food Networks newest sensation!

Friday, April 18, 2008
It felt so good...
to visit my friend at the hospital last weekend and see her new baby-and NOT feel bad. I was truly happy for her and for the first time, it was OK for me to walk into the maternity floor and not feel sorry for myself. This was the first time I've had to visit a friend in the maternity ward since our baby has arrived. Trust me-having our baby has made all the difference in the world. I am so happy and so complete now-I can't even describe the feeling. I can go visit new babies, go to baby showers, go to one year old birthday parties, go to baptisms and NOT feel bad!!! For the first time in years, I can enjoy!
This particular friend has an older daughter and her and I were due the same week in 2006. We joked about being in the hospital at the same time. Unfortunately for me, that was my first miscarriage, her daughter will be two this August. Every time I see her toddler, I can't help to think what could have been for me.
Fate and destiny led us to our baby and she was meant to be ours. Everything that happened to me the past few years happened for a reason. She was meant to be our daughter. She is our angel sent from heaven and she (as well as her older sister) make me happy every single day!
This particular friend has an older daughter and her and I were due the same week in 2006. We joked about being in the hospital at the same time. Unfortunately for me, that was my first miscarriage, her daughter will be two this August. Every time I see her toddler, I can't help to think what could have been for me.
Fate and destiny led us to our baby and she was meant to be ours. Everything that happened to me the past few years happened for a reason. She was meant to be our daughter. She is our angel sent from heaven and she (as well as her older sister) make me happy every single day!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Happiness and Sadness.....
That's what I see when my grandparents visit us. They live 2 miles away and we see them a few times a week. My grandma is 81, but grandpa is 91. He still drives, cooks, cleans up, plays bingo and cards, reads the paper and of course watches his Yankee games. He's in great shape for his age and his mind is as sharp as a tack. His hearing is another story! In November, he had a minor stroke that miracously left him with no side effects. I worry about him a lot. He shuffles his feet more and more and stumbles and I swear a fall will be what brings him down.
I am so happy he got to see my baby. When 2006 brought me two miscarriages and he was 89, I was so afraid he would not be alive to see my 2nd child. It bothered me on a daily basis. Happily he did get to see her and enjoys playing with her. Of his eight great grandchildren, I think she is his favorite. He's in awe of Jenna. On one hand, he is so happy to see her and gets such a kick out of her (she totally plays up to him) and on the other hand, I see a sadness in his eyes. He knows his years are numbered and he won't get to see the kids grown up, graduate college, and get married. Sometimes I am afraid when I say goodbye to them, it could be the last time. We're very close and I will be devastated when they pass.
I guess that's part of growing old-the happiness of experiencing many years of life, but the sadness in knowing that the sun is setting on his life and he won't get to see the newest generation fulfil their dreams. I just let the kids see their great grandparents as often as possible and pray they continue to live relatively healthy lives.
I am so happy he got to see my baby. When 2006 brought me two miscarriages and he was 89, I was so afraid he would not be alive to see my 2nd child. It bothered me on a daily basis. Happily he did get to see her and enjoys playing with her. Of his eight great grandchildren, I think she is his favorite. He's in awe of Jenna. On one hand, he is so happy to see her and gets such a kick out of her (she totally plays up to him) and on the other hand, I see a sadness in his eyes. He knows his years are numbered and he won't get to see the kids grown up, graduate college, and get married. Sometimes I am afraid when I say goodbye to them, it could be the last time. We're very close and I will be devastated when they pass.
I guess that's part of growing old-the happiness of experiencing many years of life, but the sadness in knowing that the sun is setting on his life and he won't get to see the newest generation fulfil their dreams. I just let the kids see their great grandparents as often as possible and pray they continue to live relatively healthy lives.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Losing my religion....
I already lost my religion in June 2007. My Roman Catholic church refused to baptize my baby because she was adopted and the adoption was not finalized. They called the Archdiosese of NY in front of me-as it if made me feel better. They were afraid of getting sued if the birthmother wanted her back. I had papers from my lawyer that stated irrevocable consent had been signed and there was no way we would ever lose custody of our daughter. Her birthmother was Catholic and was happy we were baptizing her. I practically begged-to no avail. The Monsignor told me not to worry, nothing will happen to the baby. I didn't think anything would. My father said they were fishing for a bigger donation. I left the rectory with a deep sense of sadness. Would Jesus have refused to baptize an innocent baby? Why is the baby being punnished-she did nothing wrong. The Catholic church should be more worried about being sued over children being touched and molested by priests! That's the reality!
I was shocked and devastated. I had been attending that church faithfully for 15 years. I contacted the church where I went as a teenager and was married at-they wanted a letter from my parish-so I was back to square one. I contacted another local church that I head baptizes adopted children. They said they would gladly do it. I made the arrangements, did make a donation and was happy to have my daughter baptized at 4 months old instead of a year old, which is how old she would have been had I waited until finalization papers came through. I was so happy. They did not know me from a hole in the wall, I never was a parishioner there, but they were very nice to me. The priest even wore vestments with children on them. It was very important to me that she be baptized at a few months old.
Christmas and Easter have come and gone and I still cannot step foot in my parish. Seeing the Monsignor who refused to baptize her upsets me. My family says I am over reacting. I don't think so. I was was the one who was denied to my face. My dilemma now is what to do? Do I return to my old church and try to get past it? Do I start to attend the church that did baptize my daughter even though it's out of the way? Do I start to research becoming a Protestant?
It's things like this that make Catholics question the church and convert to other religions. People cannot believe it when I tell them they would not baptize her. I have many friends who have had the same problem, while in other parts of NY, adoptive parents can baptize their children whenever they want-even if the adoption is not final.
The Catholic Church needs to be consistent in how they handle baptizing adopted children. For now I have lost my religion and don't know how to find it again. The Pope is coming to my part of NY next week-do I care-NO!
I was shocked and devastated. I had been attending that church faithfully for 15 years. I contacted the church where I went as a teenager and was married at-they wanted a letter from my parish-so I was back to square one. I contacted another local church that I head baptizes adopted children. They said they would gladly do it. I made the arrangements, did make a donation and was happy to have my daughter baptized at 4 months old instead of a year old, which is how old she would have been had I waited until finalization papers came through. I was so happy. They did not know me from a hole in the wall, I never was a parishioner there, but they were very nice to me. The priest even wore vestments with children on them. It was very important to me that she be baptized at a few months old.
Christmas and Easter have come and gone and I still cannot step foot in my parish. Seeing the Monsignor who refused to baptize her upsets me. My family says I am over reacting. I don't think so. I was was the one who was denied to my face. My dilemma now is what to do? Do I return to my old church and try to get past it? Do I start to attend the church that did baptize my daughter even though it's out of the way? Do I start to research becoming a Protestant?
It's things like this that make Catholics question the church and convert to other religions. People cannot believe it when I tell them they would not baptize her. I have many friends who have had the same problem, while in other parts of NY, adoptive parents can baptize their children whenever they want-even if the adoption is not final.
The Catholic Church needs to be consistent in how they handle baptizing adopted children. For now I have lost my religion and don't know how to find it again. The Pope is coming to my part of NY next week-do I care-NO!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Lia Sophia-I'm on my way!!!
I'm on my way! I had a great Lia Sophia starter party last Friday night. Over $1,000 in sales and two bookings!!! I earned lots of free jewelry I will use for samples!!!
My first party where I am the advisor is on April 18th and then my next one is April 25th! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! I met my manager and trained with her on Friday. I received my starter kit and love the sample jewelry they sent me! I went out to Staples and bought some supplies I will need for my business.
I feel like I am really in a good place with this now! I would love to get more bookings lined up and then I would be feeling great. I went around to local supermarkets, post office and laundromats and left flyers I made up on their bulletin board. I have been spreading the news of my new business by word of mouth and so have my friends and family!
I will do everything in my power to make this business successful! I don't want to go back to a 9-5 job. I want to be available for my kids everyday!
Here's my Lia Sophia Website for anyone that wishes to browse! I'm happy to help anyone in Westchester, Putnam, or Dutchess county, NY as well as nearby CT or NJ!
Joanne's Lia Sophia website! www.jewelrybyliasophia.com
My first party where I am the advisor is on April 18th and then my next one is April 25th! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! I met my manager and trained with her on Friday. I received my starter kit and love the sample jewelry they sent me! I went out to Staples and bought some supplies I will need for my business.
I feel like I am really in a good place with this now! I would love to get more bookings lined up and then I would be feeling great. I went around to local supermarkets, post office and laundromats and left flyers I made up on their bulletin board. I have been spreading the news of my new business by word of mouth and so have my friends and family!
I will do everything in my power to make this business successful! I don't want to go back to a 9-5 job. I want to be available for my kids everyday!
Here's my Lia Sophia Website for anyone that wishes to browse! I'm happy to help anyone in Westchester, Putnam, or Dutchess county, NY as well as nearby CT or NJ!
Joanne's Lia Sophia website! www.jewelrybyliasophia.com
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