These are just tidbits of my fears and everything I am up against. Many women will probably find something here they can relate to.
My eleven year old niece is so talented. She decided to make some videos and boy did I have a good laugh. She made one of my older daughter dancing with Troy from High School Musical. It's hysterical.
My youngest daughter is not photogenic-she is prettier in person. I do catch a really good picture of her now and then that I just love. A few friends of mine submitted pictures of their adoptive children to the Adoptive Families magazine photo contest quite a while back. They were both notified today that their sons were picked from 10,000 kids to be in an adoption book that will be published in July 2009. Only 75 pictures were picked, so both were surprised and excited to find out the picture they submitted long ago was considered and chosen to be in the book.
I figured "what the heck" and I sent a few good shots in of my daughter. I wouldn't mind being contacted down the road to tell me she made the magazine or the picture was selected for another publication!
Right Now her hair is at an awkward stage. She takes bows out immediately and her hair is thin, straight and flyaway. I will include a couple of pictures from yesterday. St. Patty's day, which we celebrated by wearing green and making shamrock shakes!
I never did like the idea of this woman with six kids having eight more! Fourteen kids sounds like a kindergarten class-not a family for a single Mom. I guess if Nayda Suleman had enough money to raise her fourteen kids I would be less bothered.
She lives on food stamps, is unemployed, sounds nuts, denies plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie (isn't it obvious though) and may not retain custody of her children. I wish her babies well and hope they all are released from the hospital in good health, but how in the world is she supposed to provide care, love and attention for fourteen children under the age of eight? Her parents home is in foreclosure and is too small for all of them to live in, rumor has it-she may be moving into a bigger home.
Is it our job to support this woman? Well luckily I don't live in California, but If I did I would be mad as hell that I have to support this deadbeat who had access to numberous infertility treatments, all of which seemed to work just fine. It's it a kick in the face to those of us that can't have children and have had infertility treatments fail? Her infertility doctor should have his license revoked for implanting her with six embryos.
I can understand a financially and mentally stable single woman having one or two children through invitro, but fourteen? You need a team of people round the clock to care for them! When you impact society with your inability to care for your fourteen children, the public has the right to chime in and complain!
I guess the good news is that there are no more frozen embryos left for Miss Suleman to have implanted in her. Thank God for small miracles?