This felt like the shortest summer I could ever remember-and I truly think it was. The kids didn't get out of school until June 27th and they go back to school on September 2nd. I feel like summer was really cut short by at least a week-so I am referring to this summer as the summer that wasn't.
I feel like just yesterday it was June-and now it's almost Labor Day! We legitimately lost a week of summer!
I know I was waiting for the big warm-up and that never happened. There was no heatwave or really hot days that usually certify summer status. This past week was warm and next week will be warm again. What a tease. The sun goes down earlier and earlier and it's a sure sign that summer is over.
We did manage to go to Wildwood, NJ, twice, which was nice. We were lucky to have terrific weather both times!
The kids enjoyed camp too. All in all it was a good summer-it just never FELT like summer. Most people I talk to agree. I LOVE Summer. I like Fall and Spring, but despise Winter. The almanacs are already calling for a cold, snowy winter-and I pray they are wrong.
I'll wear my shorts as long as I possibly can..but like the band, I feel like we had 5 Seconds of Summer!
After almost a four year hiatus, I am back!!! I bet you never thought I was coming back and I just abandoned my blog! What did I do in these last four years?
I got a job at a major University in New York and got my Master of Arts Degree and Media and Communication Arts. I graduated in May 2014 at Madison Square Garden in New York City with a 4.0 GPA. I've been a little busy-that's an understatement.
I am still busy helping folks adopt, being a wife, and mother to two girls and a male Shih Tzu named Einstein. Here's a picture of my girls and our new dog on Valentine's Day 2014. Yes, the kids got big!
I promise to start blogging more. I missed it and enjoyed going back and reading my older blog posts. Sadly, there are lots of dead links and non existent videos! Blah!