Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Feeling hot hot hot!

Yes summer is in full swing in NY. With humidity at stifling levels and temps in the high 80s, you can't deny it's summer. Reminds me of my days living in the Bronx, NY where the song "Summer in the City" was right on target. I vividly remember having a heatwave in the 197os when I was a kid. My Godmother decides to take me for a walk, about one mile each way in 104 degree heat, just to go shopping. Needless to say, I think I experienced heatstroke that day!

I have a busy week and weekend. Friday night we are seeing our neices in their play Cinderella. Saturday we are going out to dinner with another couple and Sunday is the dreaded baptism. I don't know how I am going to make it through the day. God give me the strength. I really am acting accepting of all this but deep down inside it still hurts very very much. In the long run, I may never be able to get over this. I am wishing the day away-terrible to say!

I have been researching domestic adoption pretty heavily the last few days. I need hope. I need to have something to look forward to. We may be looking into adoption in a few months. I will be ready to move quickly if we do. We will give it a little more time and hopefully conceive again and have the pregnancy go to the end-I hope, I hope!!

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