Yesterday, I turned 37. A quiet birthday that was marked by a day at work (catching up from my vacation) and dinner out with my husband. Cool gifts from my daughter and husband which included a bluetooth for my new cell phone! All and all a nice day!!! I wish I was off, but you can't have everything.
I did catch a break. I went out at lunchtime to pick up Chinese food (calories don't count on your birthday) and got stopped for speeding by a local cop. I knew him from High School. When he asked for my license and registration, I asked what the chances were of letting me slide on my birthday-he looked at my license and told me to go and have a happy birthday! Wow what a break. He was hiding-a speedtrap. I go home and go back on the same road 5 minutes later only to find two more victims pulled over by the same officer for speeding! One was a friend of mine. They weren't getting out of their tickets!!
I watched the season premier of Nip/Tuck. It was OK. I did not like the scene where Christian bedded the mother and daughter. I thought it was disgusting and had gone too far. Maybe it was just me. As a parent of a daughter, I could not even imagine something like that! UGH!
SICK!!! Let's see what next week brings!!!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday! What great luck that the cop let you go. What a nice guy!
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