Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Update on baby in Oklahoma

Well just to keep everyone up to date-here's the latest...

The baby boy in Oklahoma is still available. I know he was 7 pounds 6 oz at birth and his birthmom named him Jerimiah (ironically, we were going to name him Jerry). He was born around the first of the year. She was thrown in jail right after his birth, I am assuming to endangering the welfare of a minor (she came in high to deliver the baby). She will be in jail until at least April and hopefully will be getting her act together. Her sister emails me and says that she (the birthmom) doesn't want to the tribe to get the baby, but probably will never be capable of raising the baby, so he will be up for adoption eventually. She still has not relinquished rights.

I am assuming he is in foster care right now, which just kills me. Things could have worked out so much better for this poor little baby. I guess we still have a remote shot for this baby, as the birthmom likes us, but there is a lot of information we would need to know before going forward.
I will just stay in touch with her sister who is really nice and helpful and we have quite a bit in common. Our kids even have the same birthdate.

We also started newspaper advertising. I thought that was pretty much a thing of the past, but heard a few encouraging adoption stories where connections were made via newspaper ads. I thought the internet was the way to go, but I could be wrong. We'll give it a shot. I am also advertising in NY and PA, so things would be easier if the birthmom were a few hundred miles away and not a few thousand miles away.

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