Saturday, March 24, 2007

Just need to vent a bit!

So today I was excited, our reworded adoption ad was appearing in three more papers. I checked them online. Two of the three had the ad wrong and our toll free number incorrect. The only one that was right was the one I submitted online myself. GRRR!!! I had to email the two papers and left messages with the classifieds dept. I guess I will straighten it out Monday, but I really wanted those ads to run this weekend.

Independent adoption is physically and emotionally draining. I do the overwhelming majority of the work-ordering business cards, mailing them out, calling crisis pregnancy centers, having our link posted online, placing the ads, etc.

I really think that for these reasons I should be allowed to have complete control over naming the baby-if it's a girl. If it is a boy, it will be named after my husband, but if we do wind up adopting a girl I want to name her the name he vetoed in 2003. I want to name her Jenna. DH thinks people will think of the adult star Jenna Jamieson. Maybe that's just his way of thinking.

We are so undecided about girls names. I want to continue the "J" tradition as our whole families first names beging with J. That's not important to him. We'd like the baby to have an Italian sounding first name, but in reality, the baby we adopt will probably not be Italian and I think we have to take that into consideration and name the baby a more nuetral first name. I also want the baby to have a short name as our DD's name is 10 letters. I guess we will cross this bridge when we get to it. I can't help thinking about this stuff-it make me hopeful!

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