I have not logged anything in weeks-so much has happened. Long story short, we have a daughter!!! Our beautiful daughter Jenna was born May 20th, 2007. She weighed 5 pounds 8 oz and was 19 inches tall. She is beautiful and healthy and we are still in amazement at how perfectly everything worked out.
In spite of how promising everything looked, I still refused to get excited. Things progressed. On 5/17 she called to say she was in labor and they thought she would deliver that night. We headed up to NH and checked into a hotel. By Saturday the 19th, nothing was happening. We were bored and anxious and missing our DD. I was sleeping with clothes on every night LOL. We met for lunch and said bye to her on Saturday. We joked that we'd pull into our driveway and she would call.
Well, 14 hours later, she did call. She was in labor 8 CM dialated and admitted to the hospital. It takes 4 hours to get there, so we knew we were not going to make the birth. We got grandma and grandpa to pick up our four year old and packed and headed out. She called us at 11:30 AM to say our daughter was born at 11:12AM. She told us her size and that she was beautiful and healthy. We were still three hours away-we couldn't get there fast enough.
Part two comes tomorrow!
Joanne...She is so beautiful! COngrats! I am so happy for you!
She's sooooo gorgeous. Congratulations!
And by the way, I'm still waiting for part 2!!!! ;)
Awwww congrats your daughter is gorgeous!!Both of them are!May I ask how you found your birthmom? We are still waiting......Jen from duckie board.
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