Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why is abortion so non chalant for some women?

I was at a party this weekend and talking to an acquaintance (woman) I knew from High school-our mutual friend was hosting the party. We were saying that in some ways, it would have been easier for our daughter's birthmother to have an abortion. I could understand that because it is very painful to live the rest of your life knowing you chose to give you a baby that is yours and that you loved because of circumstances in your life. Our daughter's birthmom was Catholic and although not a devout one, she felt that the baby was a life and that she could make a family happy by helping them out and giving them a child they so badly wanted. I really admire her and respect for choosing to honor and respect the baby she was carrying as a life and a person. I know every day in her heart she will always think of the baby she placed with us. That is a hard thing to live with. Enormous if you ask me.

The woman I was talking to says, "Oh yeah, I had two of THEM (meaning abortions) back in the day". She was just blurting it out with lots of people in earshot. I was taken back. I had two of THEM-like I had two cups of coffee at Starbucks?? It sounded so nonchalant and had no concern that she was talking about human life. Not to mention, I have close friends who have had abortions in the past and have told me in confidence and swore me never to tell another soul. At least they think of it now as something private.

I am pro choice and I think in certain cases abortion may be a better option-rape, incest, threatens the life of the mother, etc. I also think it is too easy to come by these days. Maybe there should be a waiting period of a few days or some other restrictions to make it less appealing as a way out of a problem. Maybe I take the life of a fetus very seriously because I had two miscarriages at 9 1/2 weeks each. I wished those babies would have hung on and I think of them all the time-what they would have looked like, what their personalities would have been, etc. I will never have the answers to those questions, I can only imagine.

Before Roe vs. Wade there were many more babies for adoption. Now to adopt a baby in the US is very difficult. I just look at my daughter and Thank God her birthmother chose to carry her to term and entrusted us with her life. I can't imagine my life without my baby in it. I would never have had this opportunity and she never would have had a chance at life. We have the gift of our baby in our lives every day and will share with her birthmom pictures, letters, updates, etc. I will forever thank God that this special woman chose life and didn't take abortion so non chalantly.

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