The other day I read a horrifying story on how a newborn was found dead in a shopping bag at a Long Island, NY train station. The baby was probably left sometime after midnight and not discovered until 9:30AM the next morning. Hundreds walked pasted the bag thinking it was garbage that did not fit in the trash can. That makes me sick that someone could kill a baby and leave it or leave it die. There are safe haven laws in NY. All the mother had to do was bring the baby to a police station, fire dept. or hospital and the baby could have lived and be adopted and she would not be facing criminal charges. There are thousands of couples that would have jumped at the opportunity to adopt this poor little normal sized newborn baby boy who never had a chance at life.
This happens all over the country a few times a week. Do these women not know about safe haven laws? They must be scared teens that hid their pregnancy and are afraid to even show their faces for a second at a local hospital. I heard some safe havens are getting a baby drop off.
There is a window that can be opened on the outside and a baby placed on a tray. The person making the dropoff can ring a bell which alerts staff to come to the window and that a baby has been dropped off. Would that help in reducing the instances of this happening?
My best friend said I could make a difference. I need to do something to spread the word about safe haven laws. I could contact local TV stations and see if they would air 15 or 30 second spots about the safe haven laws for free. I know some TV producers from my TV production days that would probably do some simple commercials for little to no money. I could contact project cuddle about advertising nationwide to try to help reduce the number or abandoned infants. I really feel I can and should make a difference!
As soon as my homestudy is complete, I will be sending in our application to be a rescue family for project cuddle. Visit their website and learn how you can help!
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