Dear Birthmom who abandoned her baby,
What were you thinking? You left a newborn girl with the umbilical cordstill attached in an unlocked carthis morning in a parking lot in Victory Gardens, NJ. It was litterallyfreezing outside and probably nearly as cold inside the car. A few blanketssurrounded the baby. Luckily someone found her after only half an hour andshe is doing great. Haven't you ever heard ofsafe haven laws? You could have left that baby safely at a fire department,police department or hospital with no questions askedand faced no criminal charges. You could have made an adoption plan weeksor months ago and blessed a luckycouple with this baby girl. There are dozens of sites likeparentprofiles.com where birthmother can locate adoptive parents.

I called St. Claire's hospital in Denville, NJ to inquire about your littlegirl and the possibility of adopting her. The womanI spoke to was touched at how concerned I was for your baby. Once I saw thepicture of this little girl with black hair,I had to try to do something. She almost looks like me when I was born.They took my name and number and said someonewould get back to me, but in all liklihood, she would be going through theNJ State adoptive services system. Since Ilive in NY, chances are slim that I have a real chance at adopting yourbaby. What a shame. If only you would have reachedout, you would be better off for it, your baby would be and a family wouldbe celebrating a little girls birth at a NJ hospital.
Please please please! Any woman thinking of abandoning a newborn orbaby-think safe haven or make an adoption plan.I know you are scared-but there is help out there. Make the right decision.Don't face criminal charges. You may havemade one mistake by getting pregnant-don't make a 2nd mistake and abandon apoor helpless baby possibly leaving it to die.
Here is the news story about this:
Baby found abandoned in a car in NJ
1 comment:
That is very brave of you to call the hospital. It is horrible that anyone would treat a child like that when there are so many of us who would want that child.
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