Saturday, July 25, 2009

16 and Pregnant on MTV

I never really cared for the MTV show "16 and Pregnant" until the last episode. I didn't want to see 16 year old girls who just happened to get pregnant. Well in the last episode, teen couple Catelynn and Tyler make an adoption plan for their baby girl.
They were so emotional, yet so brave and determined to go through with the adoption plan for the sake of the baby. They should be applauded for their maturity and courage.

They met the adoptive parents, Brandon and Theresa and everyone seemed to click. They agreed on a semi open adoption. While watching the show, I found myself so sympathetic to the birth parents, and not as excited for the adoptive parents as I thought I would be. I found myself crying throughout the show. I encourage anyone thinking of placing a baby for adoption, or adopting a baby to see this episode. Just the other night, they aired a follow up show and reunited the adoptive parents and birth parents with five week old Carly. It was amazing.

As an adoptive mother, I "get it". All adoptive mothers get it. We appreciate the sacrifice birthparents make when placing a baby for adoption. We are eternally grateful for the gift of our children and know the decision was not an easy one. Many a birth parent has anguished over their options. I have the highest respect for birth parents, I always have and always will. The gift of love and joy that they bestow upon others by presenting them with a baby is a feeling unmatched.

I hope young people watch this show and learn valuable lessons from it...1)Getting pregnant as a teen means sacrifices-if you aren't ready-don't put yourself in jeopardy of getting pregnant. 2)Adoption is an option. It's difficult, but a way for you to resume your life as you know it and let the child have a better life than you can provide. An adoptive family will be eternally grateful for the gift of life you give them. 3) Teen pregnancy should not be glorified as it is in our society. It's life altering and makes you grow up very quickly. Maybe if it weren't so accepted, young couples would think harder before taking risks.

16 and pregnant on MTV


darci said...

I just channel surfed upon it the other day, and was pleasantly surprised - I thought I was going to get typical crap that just glamorizes teen pregnancy, but this presented some cold, hard facts. I only saw the reunion episode, but I think that was enough to sum up the whole season for me as they did good run downs of everyone's stories.

I also thought it was great that Dr. Drew singled out the couple who gave up their child for adoption as the bravest, and seemed to imply that more people should consider this shouldn't be raising kids.

Also, this is MTV, so I was paying attention to the music they used, and they actually made some really good song choices in this episode - I love Tokyo Police Club and so glad they featured three of my favorite songs, "Graves," "Juno," and "Nursery Academy." If you liked those songs or this episode, I have them posted at :

birthmothertalks said...

I was able to catch quite a few of the episodes and I thought it did a really good job as not showing teenage pregnancy as a good thing. But the end show was the best, because it did show the other option. (adoption) One issue that I had with the show was that only one girl had her baby without any support of the birth father. I think the odds of the birth father having involvement is a lot less than what they showed.
One thing that as a birth Mom that I want to say after having a baby and making a adoption decision (if you call mine a decision) That you don't go back to normal. Your life is forever changed.
Thanks for all that you said about birth parents. It is probably the hardest thing anyone has to go through.