Saturday, September 08, 2007

My birthday was great!

My birthday has come and gone! It was September 5th. I had a wonderful birthday. The weather was great. My husband was the first to wish me Happy Birthday, and my 4 year old daughter was the2nd person.

My husband and I went to the US Open. We didn't see the greatest of matchups that afternoon, but it was nice to be there and spend time with him. The weather was great. I got some awesome gifts. Hubby and the kids got me a gift certificate to a local spa, a new MP3 player and a watch! The best part was my birthday card from the girls. It was the first time I got a Mom birthday card that said "from the both of us". That alone brought tears to my eyes. Then we went out for dinner to a nice local restaurant-the four of us! I am so lucky to have such a great family. It really was a very happy birthday!

Tomorrow is the baby's Christening and I was busy doing things for the party all week. The weather is going to be nice and hot tomorrow. I hope to post some pictures. I am usually the picture taker and this time I'm key at the party, so I hope my Dad takes the lead on taking pictures! We're having a rockin party at a restaurant with 75 people and a DJ!

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