Monday, July 14, 2008

The people in your neighborhood..

I have lived in my house almost nine years. Today during my walk (for exercise) I was reflecting on the people in my neighborhood. It was nice to see my 22 year old neighbor (a guy) playing catch with his Dad in the street. It was sad to see one neighbor walking a dog that was once spry and is now struggling to walk and quite old.

A street sign that has been missing practically since we moved here was finally replaced. How long before someone steals that "Princeton Drive" sign yet again?? As the neighbor hood turns! The kids that played in their front yards when we moved her in are driving and in high school or college. Scary how the years have flown by. I actually knew the family that lived here before us. I went to high school with their son. They lived here 27 years and raised three kids. I like to think of my house as a "happy house". The kids grew up and moved out. They had an inground pool and closed in up-we still get magazines. My husband thinks he knew where in the yard it was. I wonder if it was broke or nobody was using it, so they filled it up? I wished I had more info on the pool.

I have a neighbor who is elderly and an original home owner. She tells me stories about the other families that lived in the neighborhood and in my house. I think it's kind of cool!

I will always remember this house as our first house. A house I fell in love with because of the property, it needed quite a bit of renovation. A house we had ups and downs in and the house we brought both our children home to. Sometimes I fast forward to the future and I can still see my husband and I living here. The house is quieter and I have my office back and a guest room for when the kids come to visit. So much of this house is ours-the new windows, new kitchen, new bathroom. It didn't feel like our house at firstm, but it did after we put our own touches on it!

I love my neighborhood and house. NY is getting expensive to live in. I hope we can stay here and not be forced to move to somewhere cheaper. I'd hate to be forced to move from a place I love so much.

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