Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Two Years ago today....please read if you are waiting to adopt...

Two years ago today, my life was forever changed. Like a verse from "I Hope you Dance" from LeeAnn Womack, "whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens", it happened just like that.

Around 10 AM, I found out I was layed off from my Systems Analyst job of three years. Layoffs were coming and I was not shocked, but none the less upset. I was worried about how it would change my status with the adoption/social worker. I packed my desk, said goodbye to my colleagues and went home. I had tickets to see Grease a a local dinner theater that night with a few friends. I was so looking forward to it, but was now bummed out after losing my job.

I showered, got dressed, put on my makeup and my happy face and went to the play. Somewhere in the first act, I received a call from an unknown area code. I forgot about the adoptions ads I placed. I didn't get out the door in time and the call went into voicemail. I listened to the message at intermission and it was a very serious sounding potential birthmother. After playing phone tag for over a week, we started to talk. She was very serious about placing and my beautiful daughter was born on May 20th.

April 28th was one of my darkest days, or so I thought. It turned out to me one of the most pivotal days of my life. One door closed and another one opened. Your life can change with one call. Don't give up hope! When you least expect it, the calls comes that changes your life.

1 comment:

wsweden said...

Thanks for sharing your story. It is always good to read about happy endings :)