Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Adoption update....good news

We have been pursuing domestic private adoption and were homestudy approved 1/2/07. On 4/27 I got laid off from work. That night I get a call from a potential birthmother in NH. I'm at a play and don't answer. She leaves a voicemail and I return her call the next day. She never calls me back. On 5/6, I decide to follow up and call her again. We talk for over an hour and she likes us and I already like her. We mail her a profile, and within a week, she meets with the lawyer and gets things in motion. She thinks she is due in 4-6 weeks.

Our birthmother finally went to the doctor yesterday for the first time. She had no prenatal care, because she had no insurance, but everthing is perfect. She was there for like 4 hours and they packed 9 months worth of visits in one visit. We know the sex of the baby............ it's a GIRL!!!!

It gets better-according to the ultrasound....the baby was due 6 DAYS ago!!!!!! She is 3 cm dialated! She thinks she will hang in there a few more days-maybe by this weekend??? The baby was approximately 7 pounds 3 oz as of yesterday. We have no idea what we are going to name her. Whenever we head to NH, we are taking my laptop so I will be online, although very infrequently. I will try to keep everyone.

Our birthmom is wonderful. She is so glad she can do this for our family. She's thanking us for adopting the baby!

Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that we are home with our daughter very soon! Like they say, one door opens, another closes. I believe in fate and destiny and I think this baby girl was meant to be ours.


KRISTI said...

I can't wait for the good news!!!

Jennefer said...

How exciting! I hope things have turned out like you hoped. Please give us an update!