Saturday, February 21, 2009

An adoption success.....

This morning I received a very welcomed phone call from a client. An adoption success story!!! A whirlwind week ending with them welcoming their son into their family. When you least expect it, the call comes!!! They were actually away on a mini vacation with their older daughter earlier this week, when they first heard of the situation.

The baby was due to be born in a day or two and there was no time to dilly-dally. So straight from their mini vacation, they headed to the state where this baby was due (luckily it was just a few hours drive). Not much packed in the car, but luckily their camera and enough clothes to get by! Not knowing what to expect, the potential birthmom spoke to them, met them and really like them. She placed her baby with them right after birth. They met the extended birthfamily in the hospital and it was wonderful.

I think they are still in shock how after months of situations falling through, periods of no phone calls, emails from scammers, and feeling quite low (as of a week ago), your life can change on a dime. It's called fate. Fate is what ultimately determines the baby you adopt. An ad placed in a certain paper at the right time, a friend of a friend hears of a situation and calls you, a woman sees your adoption website and is drawn to you, another couple backs out last minute and you get the call. There are always an interesting series of events that's involved an any adoption story-that's why I love hearing them. Every adoption story is unique, but there is one common threat-FATE.

I am also happy to report that the phone is ringing for some of my other clents with potential adoption situations. There was a lull in phone calls for a few weeks, but the lull seems to be over!
I hope to have more success stories to report in the weeks and months ahead!

Congratulations to this family of four! Enjoy the newest addition to your family. He is lucky to have found a family like you!

1 comment:

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