Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Signed up with an agency for domestic adoption? You MUST read this post!

I know so many people who are signed up with agencies and pursuing independent adoption. Many of them are waiting for more than a year. I know you have probably spent a lot of time getting approved and putting together your profile and now are just waiting for the agency to call and say you were matched or there is a birthmother interested in you. Rarely does it work that way. Sometimes it does, but with domestic adoption being as competitive as it is now, you have to do more than wait for the phone to ring.

You have to take action. You have to create your own adoption website, you have to promote your adoption website, you have to network with friends and family and you should consider running print ads. I know these are the steps you usually take in independent adoption, but with agencies cutting back on their advertising (due to the economy), the are getting few placements, but many couples signing up. You have to help yourself out as much as you can afford to in an effort to minimize the wait.

If you are open to various races for a child, or a special needs child, you may not be up against the intense competition to adopt a baby, but it still may make sense to take some steps to get the word out there on your own.

Creating a good adoption website maybe the best tool and best investment of a few hundred dollars in your entire adoption journey. Many, many couples have been matched by the right woman seeing their adoption website!

If you need help creating an adoption website, I can do that at a reasonable price. You supply the text and pictures and I will make it look terrific and be found at the top of the search engines! Visit my website:


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