Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm amazed by the love of strangers...

I am so amazed at how many people see our adoption website and email me with
words of encouragement. It's surprising and reassuring. Perfect strangers email me to say how lovely my family is, good luck, tell their story as adoptive parents, or just to say they will keep us in their thoughts and prayers. One woman emailed me to today to wish me luck and tell me she works for a major hotel chain and when I need to travel, let her know and she will try to get me a huge discount! WOW-that was so nice of her!

That's the good thing about the internet. I can allow people to know more about me then just seeing an ad and a phone number and I think it is a huge advantage. A potential birthmom can quickly learn about us and see pictures of us and pictures are worth a thousand words. My website is getting much more hits and response then in 2002.

You know when you can really envision something happening. When it does happen, it's like deja vu! That's how I feel about adoption. I can fast forward a year in my mind and really see us with a baby, I really feel it's going to happen and everything will work out fine. The baby that is meant to be ours will be ours!

I do believe in the power of prayer. I have seen it work before and I believe it does work. Every person that prays for us will bring us just a little closer to finding the newest member of our family. Every single prayer counts-whether from friends, relatives or strangers. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. It means so much to us during this journey.

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