Monday, November 06, 2006

I can't wait for Election Day to be over!!!

I can't stand it. I got 5 recorded messages from candidates today alone. I have been averaging 3-5 calls a day for a week now. Laura Bush even left me a message which delighted my daughter-she thought it was really her calling. I can't tell you how many pieces of mail I get from politicians!!! Please make it all end! Let the good guys triumph!!! I know who I am going to vote for! I researched all the candidates major points. No phone call or ad is going to persuade me.
Stop wasting money!! Stop clogging my mailbox and answering machine.

I will go out there tomorrow like a good American and cast my votes!! My daughter and I even watched a rare Charlie Brown video called "You're Not Elected Charlie Brown!!"Now that's why I call celebrating Election Day!!!

So remember to vote!!! It's your chance to be heard!!

1 comment:

Silly Teacher said...

Amen! In my state, the negative campaigning is out of control and that they must think we are morons to accept all negative campaigning at face value.

Nice to meet another person in the adoption club!