Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Deciding between direct sale jewelry companies

I have been considering doing direct jewelry sales for a while. I am deciding between Lia Sophia and Premier Designs and I really need to talk to each of my contact at both companies before I make a final decision. Both companies have positive and negatives. I guess it just comes down to my decision based on all the information I have gathered!

I have no problem with public speaking and feel I can do a good job of putting on a show. I know lots of women who like to wear good costume jewelry and don''t mind investing the money in a few good pieces. I enjoy wearing some nice costume jewelry and I can be my own model when I am out and about! Having shows at night or on the weekends works for me-I don't have to pay for babysitting. These jewelry companies do carry the potential to make a lot of money, some women are making 6 figures. I will be happy if I can make a few thousand a month!

I am excited, but undecided about which company to join! I hope to make a decision soon!


wsweden said...

I am not familiar with either. Around here Silpada is popular. I LOVE their jewelry.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Think about what you can "bring to the table". Then look at how that fits with the companies you are considering. You will do and feel mcuh better if what "you do" fits with what they need and expect as opposed to you doing things with which you are not really comfortable.