Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shocking revelation about high school students

A local high school girl died last week at 17 years old. My brother knew her, it was a good friend's sister in law. Prescription narcotic drugs are a factor in her death. It seems that the last "thing to do" among our local high school students is to have "cocktail parties". I have heard this from more than one local police officer I know personally. These cocktail parties involve high school kids raiding their parents medicine cabinets for leftover narcotics and painkillers and taking them to these "cocktail parties". There they mix them all together in bowls and dishes and just start taking pills-unaware of what they are really taking or the dosages.

I am in shock. I know it was 20 years ago that I was in high school, but never did my friends and I ever think raiding the medicine cabinet for a cheap high. We thought about raiding the liquor cabinet-I won't lie, but never prescription drugs. That's just awful. So dangerous. Parents now have to flush or lock up any unused vicodin and perocet. The consequences here can be fatal.

This is the world we live in, a different generation, a different world. When I was in high school, the big thing was cutting school or doing to a party where there was booze. This is a whole new dangerous level of partying. Our form of partying was not fatal, just wrong. I would hate to think that in 10 years I will have a safe in my house to store my medications-but it may be the case. Some kids invite friend over and when they say they have to use the restroom, they steel drugs from the medicine cabinet of their friends parents. It may not be your kids, it could be there friends. Your kids may not even know their friends are stealing from their bathroom.

Let this be a warning to all parents-Prescription drugs are dangerous and the latest craze in cheap highs for teens. Keep tabs on the medications in your house! Spread the word to your friends and neighbors that this is not something to be taken lightly.

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