Saturday, September 09, 2006

Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE) is scary

I started reading about Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE) after a woman in one of my adoption groups told us about it. Her birthmother, who just gave birth a few days ago is now in ICU and fighting for her life when she suddenly fell under the attack of AFE. To read more about this disease where the mortality rate for the mothers is 86%, go to this link:


I never know this disease existed. I never knew it was out there and it is quite rare. There is no way of knowing if you have it until you are in labor and by then it is too late. There seems to be some link between having allergies, a male fetus and pitocin. It's scary for me to read-If I do get pregnant-could it happen to me? I have tons of allergies. Would having a c section two weeks before my due date safeguard me from this?? I am almost sorry I read about it, but it is better to be know then not to know.

For now, I will pray for a birthmother in California, whom I have heard wonderful things about and is fighting for her life. Nobody deserves to be stricken like this. It sounds like one of obstetrics "dirty little secrets". My prayers to you Cameron! My prayers to all those families who have lost a woman in the prime of her life to this terrible mysterious medical phenomenon.

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